There are many reasons to meditate and people begin a daily practice of meditation for many different reasons. They might want to be calmer or more relaxed. They might want to cope better with stress. They might want to live more mindfully, grabbing hold of the present moment and living it rather than rushing through life on auto pilot. Whatever your reason for wanting to get started, the benefits from incorporating a daily meditation practice into your life are quite simply, astounding.
Research has shown that over time, Free Meditation app can enhance the performance of the brain, reduce blood pressure, combat aging of the body, boost the immune system, reduce pain and help practitioners to better manage their stress levels. Is there anything on this list that does not appeal to you?
I began meditating for three reasons. I wanted to better manage my anger, I wanted to be a better parent and I wanted to be calmer and less stressed out all the time. I have found committing to a practice of daily meditation has enabled me to respond with much greater awareness to my children. Rather than reacting, I am now more inclined to listen and respond appropriately. I am working very hard at being mindful and being present in every moment. I am much better at tasting my food and not needing to always be doing 3 different things at one.
I got started by enrolling in a primordial sound meditation course. I was told to go home from the course and meditate for half an hour twice a day and so I did. I found a place in the house that was private and quiet and gathered some cushions together. I sit on three cushions so that my knee's are lower than my hips which is important to protect the lower back. I always sit with my legs crossed and my palms open on my thighs while I meditate. While it is tempting to lie down to meditate, lying down is a signal to our bodies that it is time for sleep. So sitting up throughout meditation enables us to stay awake and alert. Another helpful tool is the 'insight timer' app which can be downloaded onto your iPhone. This simple app enables you to time your meditation sessions and the end of each session is signalled by the soft ringing of two bells. It also logs every session you do so you can tally the total hours of meditation over a certain period.
Another important part of getting started is getting the family on board. My husband was initially sceptical but supportive. Over time as he has witnessed my commitment, his support has firmed and I am quietly confident he might even come and join me sometime. With his help I explained to the children what I was doing and asked them to practice trying to be quiet during my session. My eldest daughter made a little sign which I put up so the family are clear about exactly when it is I don't want to be disturbed. I do my early morning session before anyone else is out of bed. This is a great time to meditate because the house is quiet and the stillness is glorious. I don't have to ask anyone to be quiet. My other session is in the evenings after the children have gone to bed. It's only occasionally on weekends that I meditate during the day.
An important part of committing to meditation practice particularly if you are busy with work and family is to develop a habit of going to bed earlier. Since I began meditation, I sleep very deeply for a shorter period. But I have found it is important to be in bed by 9.30pm and to have my light out by 10pm. I do meditate early in the morning and it all hinges on going to bed on time.
One of the unexpected benefits of meditation is the clarity I now have around the things I want in life. I am really clear about what is important and what I want and have a sense of peace about all of that.
Meditation is a powerful and necessary antidote to a busy and stressful life and a form of risk management. It's okay to be busy and go hard but equally important to learn to relax and be still. So sit on those cushions, turn on the timer and silently and without effort repeat a mantra. So Hum or simply Om are good ones. When you become aware of thoughts entering your mind, simply let them go and come back to your mantra. That's it. It's as simple as that. So forget the wine and the coffee and whatever other stress relievers you engage in. None will be as good for you as this ancient method. Namaste!
Why wait until you are old and retired and all the kids have left home before you begin Free Meditation app ? All the potential benefits to your life, your parenting, your health and your happiness are available to you right now. For just 30 minutes a day!