This is a much easier job than many 'tradesmen' would have you believe and is easily within the scope of the average DIYer.
Multipoint locks are incredibly common nowadays and are fitted to far many more new doors than the old traditional 'Yale' or 'Chubb' type of lock. Mechanic Bracknell Multipoint locks are fitted to UPVC doors, timber doors and now the new style 'composite' doors which are rapidly taking over from plastic UPVC doors.
The locking mechanism is generally made up of the following 4 elements, which together provide a secure solution for your home.
UPVC multipoint locking mechanism
This is main locking mechanism which runs up the edge of your door. They come with a variety of locking points such as deadbolts, hooks, rollers and spring loaded latches and these often come in a variety of combinations, such as rollers on their own, hooks and rollers etc.
The main locking mechanism runs for most of the height of the door and is usually gold, silver, white or brown in colour. It is fitted to the door by a series of Philips (cross or X headed) screws.
Keeps, or receivers as they are sometimes called, are fitted to the frame directly in line with the locking points (hooks, rollers etc) on the main lock mechanism. They are what the hooks or rollers lock into when the door is closed and the handle lifted.
Normally there is individual keeps for each roller/hook/deadbolt, but sometimes it is a single 'one piece' keep running up the frame. It is no matter, they all work the same.
There are many different colours and styles of handles, but the most important aspect is whether they are 'in-line' or 'offset'. What we mean by this is to look if your inside handle is in line with the outside or whether it is higher. Some locks take in-line some offset and if changing them you really need to be swapping like for like.
Euro cylinder or 'barrel'
This is the small lock in the handles which has a keyhole on the outside and either a keyhole or a knob on the inside.....its purpose is to securely 'lock off' the mechanism when you want the door fully locked. You should change this unit straight away if it starts to get loose or stiff or if you have bought or rented a new home as you never know who has keys to the existing barrel.
How to change your multipoint UPVC locks
This is designed as a general guide and will apply to almost all multipoint UPVC locks commonly encountered. Hopefully it doesn't sound too complicated, but in reality it is quite easy and if you take your time, and measure carefully you will achieve a rewarding result and save lots of money over getting a tradesman to do it.
(i) Firstly with the door open familiarise yourself with both the layout and operation of the lock and its keeps. The locking mechanism itself is normally branded on the long faceplate...look our for something like GU, FERCO, WINKHAUS, MACO, YALE, MILA, LOCKMASTER, COLDSEAL, AVOCET, ERA, SARACEN etc as this will be very important to identify your mechanism.
(ii) Secondly you need to identify what upvc lock you have in order to source a replacement. This involves measuring the mechanism. Many mechanisms will have a small horizontal line scribed across the faceplate at its centre point, normally just above keyhole level between the central deadbolt and the spring loaded latch. Use this point to measure from. If there is no line measure from the centre of the spring-loaded latch. Make a note of the locking points on the strip and measure from the line/latch to the centre of each of them. Write these measurements down.
- Next we need to measure the backset of the lock. You do this from the inside of the door and it is a very important measurement. You measure from the front edge of the locking mechanism to the centre of the keyhole. It will normally be one of the following measurements....25mm, 28mm, 35mm, 45mm, 55mm
- The final measurement you need is what is called the centres or 'PZ'. This is the measurement from the centre of the keyhole (Take your measurement from the centre of the ROUND part of the barrel where the key goes) to the centre of the lever handle. It will normally be either 68mm, 70mm or 92mm. Very rarely it will be 48mm, 72mm or 117mm. Note that for offset handles you need the measurement of both the inside and outside.
- Finally measure the width of the long faceplate of the multipoint upvc locks it will almost always be 16mm wide. Occasionally it will be 20mm or 24mm.
- So now you have all the measurements you need, the backset, the centres, the faceplate width and the locking points. Coupled with hopefully the brand name of the lock you will now be able to source your replacement from Total Locks.
(iii) Thirdly you need to know the operation method of the lock. It is normally one of the following:-
- Lever operation. From the inside the doors locked by lifting the handle and then turning the key. It is unlocked by turning the key and then Mechanic Bracknell pushing down the handle.
- Auto locking or fastlocking. Lifting the lever fully locks the mechanism. It is unlocked by turning the key and then pushing down the handle.
- Key wind. On these upvc locks mechanisms they are locked by turning the key two or more times (hence key winding). They are unlocked the same way
(iv) REMOVAL. In order to change the mechanism you need to strip it from the door following these steps
- Firstly remove the handles, which will be held on by two or sometimes three screws on the inside of the door. Carefully store the handles and their special screws to one side. Their will be a spindle or spindles going from one lever handle through the door and lock to the other side. Note its orientation and then remove this also.
- You now need to replace the cylinder barrel. This is held in place by a very long screw fitted in the edge of the door...look out for a Philips screw on the faceplate of the upvc lock. Insert your key and then undo and remove the long screw. Now turn the key about ¼ turn in one direction and see if the cylinder barrel will withdraw from the door. If it won't turn the key the other direction also ¼ turn and try again. The cylinder is fitted with a cam and by turning this back into the cylinder body you can withdraw the unit.
- Once the cylinder and handles are removed we can remove the main multipoint upvc locks mechanism. Undo all the Philips screws on the front faceplate, there will be several. Start at the bottom and work your way up. Note their positions. Around the central latch and deadbolt there will probably be two or three star shaped 'torx' screws....these hold the gearbox onto the main lock strip. DO NOT remove these whilst the main locking mechanism is still in the door. If you are changing the complete mechanism you will not need to touch these screws. There may also be torx screws like these next to hooks; again you should not need to remove these.
- Once all the Philips screws are removed you should be able to carefully remove the complete long locking mechanism from the door complete with its centre gearbox. Be carefully as when it is out of the door it is quite bendy and easy to damage.