Financial planning and accounting Belgium Phone Number List Phase 3. Data-Aware Data-aware companies have gone one step further and are extracting value from the data: they focus on analyzing it. The most important KPIs are examined and reported Belgium Phone Number List on periodically. This phase can take years because the returns are large enough to satisfy stakeholders. In addition, the ROI of a next step (to phase 4) does not justify the costs for some time.
Phase 4. Data-savvy Data-savvy companies Belgium Phone Number List are realizing that data has strategic value. They continue to invest and see that data offers insights that raise countless why questions: Did sales plummet in the last Belgium Phone Number List quarter? Were significantly more leads generated in the 4th week of the month? Why did X work and Y not? To answer these questions, answers are still Belgium Phone Number List being sought internally. If these questions arise, this is actually already a trigger to move towards phase.
Data-driven Data-driven companies combine Belgium Phone Number List data, analytics and insights to create the 'what next?' to answer the question. By using data at every level and in every part of the company, data becomes a strategic resource. You Belgium Phone Number List then hear things like: Based on the data obtained, we should invest 23 percent more next quarter. When we discussed it, our customers indicated that they do not like color A of our product. Testing and research have shown that color B is more customer-friendly. The ultimate goal: automated decisions. The goal is to grow into a data-driven organization. And the ultimate, ultimate Belgium Phone Number List goal is to grow from there to automated decisions. In that case, you not only make better decisions (certainty), the approach is also much more scalable. In that case, you probably use technologies or analytics that use machine learning.