This is the most difficult step - to start saving some of the money you earn and keep it so as not to spend it. But if it passes, it remains only to learn how to restrain impulsive existing mobile number list impulses and save accumulations. Since it is always tempting to keep a financial airbag in your wallet, it is better to choose an alternative option. Tips for the safety of funds - below.
The first thing to do is to choose the currency of savings. If there is a risk that money will be wasted aimlessly in a moment of weakness, it is better to convert savings into dollars or euros .
The second secret of the safety of finances is the opening of a deposit with a blocked possibility of early withdrawal of money. This will reliably protect money from ill-considered spending, but will significantly complicate the process of regular replenishment. Although with the development of Internet banking, this will not become an obstacle.
In order to manage to save the amount of savings, you need to determine the percentage that can be withdrawn without harming the family budget.
In order not to incur losses, it is better to focus on banks and financial institutions with a good reputation, the safety of deposits.