This way as you are participating in mailing list conversation and helping others you will get people clicking on your link to see what you have to offer. By building trust and offering unique insight and help people will be more inclined to click on the mailing list link and actually sign up in your e-mail course. Article Marketing: Write very good and mailing list helpful articles concerning the niche or topic of what your e-mail course is all about.
Most article directories will allow mailing list you to leave a link in the resource box at the bottom of the article. Be sure to include a link to your splash page and try to entice the article reader to click on that link. The more articles you write a mailing list more chance you have of gaining traffic and getting people to opt in. Joint Giveaways: There are businesses and websites online that will allow you to post your product or helpful course on their website mailing list so you can create traffic and get sign-ups to your opt in list.
You can write a simple 15 to 20 page mailing list course and turn it into a PDF file and include it in these companies joint giveaways. There are many that you can sign up for and you can really use this to boost the amount of people you have mailing list in your e-mail course very fast. Everyone says that the money is in the list. If you want to find out what mailing list list building tools you need to build an e-mail list then read this article to find out more.